As a student of Charis Bible College, you confirm that you:
- accept that the Holy Spirit is continuing the work He started at Pentecost empowering you to live a godly life and continue in all the works of Jesus.
- accept that all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness.
- believe that grace gives you the power to overcome sin, not indulge in it.
- accept the responsibility of representing the Kingdom of God and Andrew Wommack Ministries International/Charis Bible College with integrity and honesty by being a positive Christian role model in judgment, dignity, respect and Christian living. You acknowledge that this includes, but is not limited to, abstaining from such activities as the abuse of alcohol, use of illicit drugs, lying and deceptive behaviour and the consumption of pornography.
- believe that life begins at conception and must be protected. You believe that marriage is a permanent and exclusive consecrated union between one man and one woman established by God, and intrinsically ordained towards procreation. You further believe that the sexual act outside of this marital bond is prohibited as sinful.
- believe that God created humankind in His image, male and female; biologically and sexually different but with equal personal dignity. You therefore view any rejection of one’s biological sex and any attempt to physically change, alter or deny one’s biological sex from conception as forbidden by God’s Word and His creation order.
- accept that all people are created equally in God’s image. Any behaviour contrary to this view including, but not limited to, racism, causing physical harm or bullying, engaging in racist conduct, or sexual harassment or assault will not be tolerated.
- understand and agree with this doctrinal statement as defined by AWME and Charis Bible College policies. You accept that this statement is representative of the College’s Christian ethos, with which it defines itself as a Christian organisation within the meaning of Schedule 23 of the Equality Act 2010 and Section 13 of the Human Rights Act 1998. You further agree with and accept the statement of Godly living, recognising that breach of its terms may result in exclusion from the College or other form of discipline.