Charis Walsall

At Charis Bible College Walsall, you will encounter a community where friendships are built that last a lifetime. Sound Biblical teaching is combined with an environment designed to encourage and strengthen you on your transformational journey. You will be led by staff members who love the Lord and whose lives have been transformed by the same Word and teachings you will receive.

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Meet the director

Lorna Wilson

I was born in the UK, my parents are from the Caribbean, and I grew up in Handsworth, Birmingham. I am married to Tony, we have 3 children, 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

At age 21, my life was impacted by God’s love for me. I found myself facing the difficulties that life often brings through wrong choices I had made. This was when I called out to God and He heard me. I became aware that He was pursuing me which was overwhelming, and this realisation resulted in me going to a church where shortly after, I was baptised and became part of that fellowship.

I have always felt there was more, and that was something that I desired to pursue. In my journey of wanting a deeper revelation of God, I decided that after 32 years of being in the nursing profession, I would leave and go to Bible college. This is where Charis became the catalyst to the transformation that took place in my life.

In 2013, I started studying at Charis Walsall, completed 3 years and then in 2016, I was offered a job working as a receptionist and was also responsible for procurement in AWM. I also supported the Missions department at Charis, which resulted in me later taking the role of Missions Coordinator.

After completing the Directors Training Programme (DTP Level 1), I was offered the role of College Dean, which has been an amazing experience and I have thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with the students, and this has been an privilege and blessing.

I completed the Directors Training Programme Internship in 2024. This was an amazing journey of growth and development, and I learned invaluable lessons along the way that has helped to shape, position and prepare me for the Charis Walsall Director role.

This is a new season in my life, and I am excited. It is with and by God’s grace that I look forward to what the future holds, not just for me, but for all those He sends across my path.

What our Students say

“Before Charis I was weak, frustrated, and unchanged. Doing Year 1 and
Year 2 at Charis Bible College, I am strong, at peace and changing.  It is
true -Charis will change your life and you will go out and change the world.”

Susan Davies

Charis Student

“Being at Charis has helped me to not just know about Jesus but know Jesus for myself.”

John Laurence Rodrigues – McGonagle

Charis Student

“Charis has given me a firm foundation in the Word, that has allowed
me to develop spiritually and pursue God’s divine purpose for my life.”

Kurtis Grant

Charis Student

Campus Information

Charis Walsall

Charis Bible College Walsall
Grace International Centre
Leamore Lane
Walsall, WS2 7PS
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 1922 473637

[email protected]

Day School Term Dates

These dates are subject to change

Winter Term 2024

Monday 25 November 2024Winter Term Starts
Monday 23 December 2024 to Friday 3 January 2025Christmas Holiday
Monday 6 January 2025Winter Term Continues
Friday 14 February 2025Winter Term ends
Monday 17 February 2025 to Friday 21 February 2025Half-term Holiday

Summer Term 2025

Monday 24 February 2025Winter Term Starts
Monday 14 April 2025 to Friday 25 April 2025Easter Holiday
Monday 28 April 2025Summer Term Continues
Monday 5 May 2025Bank Holiday
Friday 16 May 2025Summer Term Ends


17 MAY 2025Year 1 Promotion Day
TBAYear 2 & 3 Graduation Day

HYBRID School Term Dates

These dates are subject to change

Winter Term 2024

Saturday 30 November 2024Term Starts
Saturday 14 December 2024In-Person Day
Monday 23 December 2024 to Friday 3 January 2025Christmas Holiday
Saturday 4 January 2025Winter Term Continues
Saturday 18 January 2025In-Person Day
Saturday 1 February 2025In-Person Day
Saturday 15 February 2025Winter Term ends

Summer Term 2025

Saturday 1 March 2025Summer Term Starts
Saturday 15 March 2025In-Person Day
Saturday 29 March 2025In-Person Day
Saturday 12 April 2025In-Person Day
Monday 14 April 2025 to Friday 25 April 2025Easter Holiday
Saturday 26 April 2025Summer Term Continues
Monday 5 May 2025Bank Holiday
Saturday 10 May 2025Summer Term Ends


17 MAY 2025Year 1 Promotion Day
TBAYear 2 & 3 Graduation Day

Account Name: Charis Bible College Walsall
Sort Code: 20-90-08
Account Number: 70327670

Life at Charis

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